Mega Menu for HubSpot

If you have tens or even hundreds of pages on your HubSpot site, deciding on how to display them in the navigation is no easy task.
HubSpot recommends displaying 5-7 menu items in your header navigation, so where should we put the rest of the pages?
Mega menu is the answer.
The concept of a mega menu isn't new, and lots of huge websites adopt them for years even decades, Zappos is one great example.
If you adopt the Topic cluster strategy, displaying your clusters as silos in the mega menu may also help people to find your essential pages faster.
The bad news is that HubSpot doesn't have one built-in, leaving us only one option: build one from scratch.
If you're interested in having a mega menu for your HubSpot site this week, fill in the form below, and our team will get back to you asap.