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Image Box Faded Carousel
Image Box Faded Carousel - Documentation
Module Name: Image Box Faded Carousel
Module Location: @marketplace > GiantFocal
Preview: https://www-giantfocal-com.sandbox.hs-sites.com/image-box-faded-carousel-preview
Available Fields:
- Content - this group of fields is responsible for the module contents
- Layout - this group of fields is responsible for the number of columns per device.
- Slider - You can update the slider icons here and toggle the autoplay for the slider.
- Dots
- Autoplay
- Dots
- Content
- Text White
- Image Repeater
- Featured Image
- Heading
- Description
- Button Text
- Button URL
- Featured Image
- Text White
- Styles - this group of fields is responsible for the module styling
Adding the module to the page
- Search the name of the module then drag it anywhere on the page.
- Then you can find all the module settings
Editing the Module contents and styling
- Content - this tab is responsible for all the module contents and layout.
- Content - all the fields here are the contents of the module
- Styles - this tab is responsible for the module styles/design.
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